Help us continue to keep good health alive and well for Generations! image

Help us continue to keep good health alive and well for Generations!

Sponsor a member, create a legacy through planned giving, consider a donation from your IRA to lower your tax bill or donate a small amount monthly to help sustain us for generations.

$17,928 raised

$10,000 goal

/ 150


Generations want to assure that anyone in our community who wants an active and healthy lifestyle is able to have it, even if they cannot afford it. You can Sponsor a Member with a $50 donation for a basic membership or a $100 donation for a fitness membership. There are many within our community who benefit from the exercise, social and intergenerational programs offered through Generations, but cannot afford it due to income constraints. Our scholarship or Sponsor a Member Program adds to these members' quality of life and overall physical, emotional and mental well-being.

Leaving a legacy to Generations' endowment fund through estate planning is an incredible way to assure that Generations will be here for future generations to enjoy! Estate planning or names Generations as a life insurance beneficiary can not only sustain Generations for the future but provide you and your beneficiaries with potential tax benefits!

Many people have IRAs to help fund their retirement. By age 70 1/2, you need to begin taking minimum disbursements and may not necessarily need that income. By donating it to a charity, you can avoid paying taxes and help a good cause!

We have all seen the commercials that say a certain dollar amount a day or a month can help a nonprofit organization. Generations now offers the option for direct withdrawals from your checking or via a credit card to help fund one of our many intergenerational programs or sponsor a member.